
The Baptism Testimony of Ava Davis

Ava Davis

August 09, 2023

I’ve grown up in the church. I’d been hearing sermons about placing your faith in Christ since I could barely walk. But until about a year ago, I didn’t care. I wrestled for a while with myself about whether I wanted to be a Christian or not. Before I met Christ, I was constantly angry, bitter, tired, and annoyed. I never wanted to be with my family. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I hated being around people and constantly wanted to be alone. I was mad at God and my family. I felt like I wasn't good enough.

One day, I just sat down and cried. I was reading James 4:7. "Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee." I talked to God about everything. Afterward, I felt energized, joyful, and happy. A few days later, I started a bible study called You’re God’s Girl by Winter Pitts. It was like standing under a waterfall of ice-cold water. I truly felt the weight of my sins. On Sunday, I saw a baptism and felt the Holy Spirit. So I decided to sit with my parents and talk about what being a believer honestly looked like. We prayed together, and I gave my life to Christ.

I stopped feeling negative but instead now feel joyful. I don’t want to be rude, selfish, unkind, blame-shifter, disobedient, dishonest, or give in to my flesh anymore. I still struggle with these things, but Jesus helps me, reminds me I am his, and keeps me from these things. People have told me there is something different about me, and I can say with joy that it’s the Holy Spirit. Jesus has taken my heart, turned it from stone to flesh, and made me new. He has cleansed me with His blood. I will gladly serve Him for the rest of my days. Jesus is the Lord of my life.

Ava Davis

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