Parent Resources

Rochell Goff

April 27, 2023

When we look at Deuteronomy 6:4-9 we see three areas of parent discipleship: As you go, hello and goodbyes, and good mornings and good nights.  

As you Go:

We spend a lot of time driving around our city in a car, often it is to transport kids to school, activities, or some kind of event. Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs us to talk about them as you walk down the road, in today's context these are "As you go" moments.  Before the headphones go on and the screen gets turned on take some of your car rides to ask simple yet effective questions.  What are you looking forward to today?  What can we pray for today?  A helpful tool is the D6 Family App which can be downloaded from your device's app store. 

Hello, and Goodbyes:

Your hello and goodbyes may include saying goodbye to your kids in the morning as you head to work and they are heading to school.  Take these moments to be intentional.  Again just asking simple yet effective questions. What does your day look like?  What are you excited about? Nervous? How can I pray for you today? Then take a moment to pray for them before they/you head out the door. 

Your next Hello maybe when everyone sits around the table for dinner.  This is a great time to include  Prayer Rocks (Homes Devoted).  This helps create an area in your home to physically see all the ways the Lord has answered the prayers of your family.  Sitting around the table is a great space for family devotional or worship time, one way to get everyone involved is by giving each member of your family lead a prayer time.  Also allowing the readers in your family to read the scripture for the evening. 

Good Night and Good Mornings 

These are the moments that may feel the most natural for some people when it comes to family discipleship. These are the moments when we may take time to read scripture and pray with your children.  Again this is another great intentional time for you to ask questions about their day and see how you can invite them to see how God is constantly working.  For parents of older kids, this may look like a knock on their door and checking in, knowing that some nights this may lead to fruitful conversations and other nights it leads to a quick good night. 

One last resource is Family ID (Intentional Direction) which gives helpful tricks about family discipleship including how to write a family mission statement. 

Rochell Goff

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