Our Sent Ones

Security Note: Some Sent Ones use pseudonyms, marked by an asterisk, or initials.

Jay & Ella*

Serving in the Horn of Africa

Our Vision

Our vision is for the Father to continue to raise up strong national partners who work together to reach their people by means of evangelism, discipleship and church planting.

How to Pray for Us

Please pray that we would walk in open-handed obedience, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit as we partner alongside our brothers and sisters in the Horn to see God’s vision fulfilled.

David & Laura*

Serving in North Africa


To see the Berbers and Arabs of North Africa glorifying God. 

How to Pray for Us
  • Please pray for continued increase in depth of relationships with nationals.
  • Pray for our three kids, that they would make good friendships and grow in Christ.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would work in the lives of the lost in our people groups and also through our community development and disaster relief projects.

Mike & Hannah*

Serving in North Africa 


We hope to multiply disciples and churches in a North African country. 

How to Pray for Us
  • For each of our children to make one friend in their new country. 
  • That God would give a spirit of unprecedented boldness to motivate local believers in gathering together in spite of the risks of persecution. 

Taylor & Brooke

Serving in Lyon, France


Our vision is to serve as the hands and feet that support Eglise Evangélique de la Croix-Rousse’s mission to see the gospel spread in Lyon, France through the building up of disciples and leaders, the planting of more churches, and the sending out missionaries.

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray that the Lord blesses the work of our hands as we serve the tangible needs of the church.
  • Pray for God to be glorified in our relationships with people both in the church and in the neighborhood and that believers and disciples of Christ would be multiplied.
  • Pray for the leaders and servants of Eglise Evangélique de la Croix-Rousse to work with wisdom and perseverance as we look to reach our city where they are.

M & J

Serving in the Middle East


To see our city changed by the gospel by starting kingdom businesses and supporting local church planting efforts.

How to Pray for Us

Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with our friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

Support M & J

A & E

Serving in the Middle East


We are seeking to build legitimate businesses that will give us residency and longevity in our city to develop relationships, invite people into our lives, and to share the gospel.

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray for continued residency, perseverance, and longevity in the city.
  • Pray for strong partnerships with local believers and business opportunities that lead to new relationships.
  • Pray for our family and continual development of our language and cultural learning.
Support A & E

Emory & Adelaide*

Serving in North Africa


We are dreaming of the day when our city will be filled with thousands of believers who take the gospel to more unreached people groups. The harvest here is abundant, and we are praying for laborers from around the world to join us in sharing the gospel. Our hope is to collaborate with Sent Ones from Asia, South America, and Africa to bring the gospel to our country.

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray that the Lord would grant us favor as we share the gospel and build relationships in our neighborhood.
  • Pray that the Lord would give our minds energy and endurance to faithfully learn the language in his timing and for his glory.

Tom & Marie*

Serving in NAME (North Africa & the Middle East)


Our family has beeen in North Africa since 2012. In Millenium City, people have little access to the gospel as there are only a handful of churches and very few believers. Our vision is to fuel a passion in local believers to plant churches in this global city of five million people, almost all of whom identify as Muslim. 

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray for local believers here to have a vision to reach out in the city.
  • Pray for a media project that is happening in the city.
  • Pray that many would hear and respond to the good news.
  • Pray for our family to thrive where we are planted. 

Jordan & Jenny Smith

Serving in Thailand


Our vision is to faithfully serve Christ in Thailand, using medicine and agriculture as inroads to the Gospel; to make disciples; and to partner with national believers in planting new churches.

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray with us are we prepare for moving to, and then transition into Thailand; for all the logistical steps that need to occur for that to happen; and that we are able to reach our fundraising goals quickly.
  • Please pray for our children and their hearts as they say goodbye to friends and the familiarities of life in the US, that we could help guide them in this transition, and that they would find joy in the work of bringing light into a dark place.
  • Pray for the Thai people that we will be interacting with—that God would soften their hearts even now, preparing the way for Gospel conversations.

Daniel & Heidi Freeman

Serving in Lille, France


Located in the north of France, near the Belgian border, Lille has an amazing cuisine and culture. This area is known for its friendly people and rainy climate. The spiritual need in all of France is great, as only 1% of the population is evangelical Christian, and the need for the gospel in the North Department is tremendous. There are 79 evangelical churches for the 2.6 million people who live in the North. That is roughly one church for every 33,000 people! And most churches are composed of 50 members or less. Even amongst such a great need, there are numerous churches shining the light of Christ as they live faithfully and seek to share the gospel with their friends, family, and coworkers. Our team partners with local churches and ministries to expand their impact through evangelism, discipleship, and strategic church planting. We are currently in the process of identifying neighborhoods and population segments where a new church plant is most needed. Our vision is to see healthy local churches taking steps toward planting new churches in the urban neighborhoods and rural villages of North France where there is currently little or no meaningful gospel presence.

How to Pray for Us
  • Please pray for our team as we come together under a common vision.
  • Pray for our local church partners to have a vision for church planting, identify potential church-planting teams, and send them out to plant new churches.
  • Pray for people to hear the gospel, repent, and believe.
  • Pray for the Lord to send more laborers.

Chris & Amy

Serving in Western Europe


We collaboratively pursue creative technological solutions and design media engagement strategies for North African and Middle Eastern church-planting teams to support them and their partners.

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray for more workers to join in this endeavor, using their skillsets to further the Kingdom.
  • Pray for protection, both spiritual and physical, over the tools and those who are implementing them.
  • Ask the Spirit to work in those who interact with us through media.

Emanuel & Shannon Bosson

Serving in Sweden


Our vision is to serve locally in Gothenburg, Sweden by sharing the gospel and nationally by helping new churches be planted throughout Sweden. 

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray that we would rely on God as we transition to life in Sweden.
  • Pray for language studies and for us to quickly establish friendships and have opportunities to share the gospel.

Abigail Irving

Serving in London


London is home to over 300 ethnic groups, including people who would be difficult to reach in their home countries. Serge’s belief is that the gathering of people groups in large international centers like London represents one of the greatest missionary opportunities in the history of the church. The vision of the team I’m joining is to foster a vibrant church community among the South Asian people living in North West London.

How to Pray 
  • For meaningful relationships to be formed in the community.
  • For God to reveal to me his desire regarding long-term service.

Friedrich & Mary Ellen Honay

Serving in Leipzig, Germany


Our vision is to plant a church that impacts the city of Leipzig with the gospel!

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray for sincere connections with our many unbelieving neighbors and for them to believe.
  • Pray for German and international workers to help us plant churches, and for perseverance and hope in a dark context. 

Sarah Hodges

Serving in Leipzig, Germany


My hope is to help the Leipzigprojekt church plant in reaching out, building relationships, and in growing disciples. 

How to Pray

  • Please pray that God would bless the church plant here, giving us good community with one another and with unbelievers in our city.
  • Pray that God would keep shaping me into the kind of sent one he would have me be and give guidance and wisdom to my work here in East Germany.
  • Pray for fruitful connections and relationships with people here, and that I would keep walking closely with God.

Bruce & Anna

Serving in The Asia-Pacific Rim


Our vision is to make disciples and develop leaders through partnering with the local church and to use media to inspire, equip and encourage others to join God's work in our region.

How to Pray for Us
  • Pray for wisdom as we balance family, media work, and local ministry.
  • Bruce travels often for his media role: please pray for him as he travels and for Anna as she cares for their kids at home.
  • Please pray for local believers, that the gospel would transform every part of their lives instead of being compartmentalized.
  • Pray that we boldly seize every opportunity to share the gospel in our city.

Rebecca Dennison

Serving in Japan


To use my gifts and skills to support the growth and development of the church in Japan, primarily through the work of Christ Bible Institute.

How to Pray

The gospel first came to Japan over 500 years ago, but despite religious freedom and the persistent work of missionaries, pastors, and lay believers, less than 1% of the population is Christian. Please pray that God will break through and do a mighty work here.

About Our Sent Ones

Over the years, Midtown has sent many willing members to live and work in new cities for the sake of the gospel. We affectionately call them our Sent Ones—those who have been equipped, affirmed, and sent out to reach the nations with the good news. Today, 35 adults are serving in diverse contexts across four continents, reaching a variety of people groups. Domestically, we have four families leading church plants in different cities.

We are committed to faithfully sending and sustaining those we send while they’re on the field. This includes financial support, care, coaching, and opportunities for retreats and spiritual renewal.

About Us

Sojourn Midtown is a part of the Sojourn family of churches. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world.

Email Us

Sojourn Midtown  1207 S Shelby St Louisville, KY 40203 · info@sojournmidtown.com · 502 237 1122