Global Work

Global Work

We live is such a big, diverse, and needy world. Everywhere we look there are physical and spiritual needs that can and should be addressed by the church. God has give us, his people, a call to take the gospel and provide practical help to the margins of society and to every corner of the world.

So how do we do it? What role can we as a church, or you as an individual play? I think we start by realizing that we are but one piece of a much large plan that God is carrying our to make his name known and to create a people for himself. Our church, Sojourn Midtown Midtown, is just one part, but we have a part to play! And we believe God has a beautiful, meaningful role for our church in God’s global mission. 

After much prayer and discussion, we have landed on nine mission convictions that define what we believe about mission and how we plan to move forward in the task of making his name known. Take time to read through our Midtown Mission Convictions.

From these convictions, and from the desires and call of our elders and members sent out, our global work has taken shape.

Mission: What We’re About

Our passion is to send out healthy members to multiply disciples and churches in international cities.

Sending out healthy members

As a church, we seek to send out healthy members that exhibit spiritual maturity, proven character and biblical qualifications. Sending is an ongoing relationship between the one sent out and their local church which includes development, ongoing care, prayer, accountability and committed support. 

Multiplying disciples and churches
Through multiplication, the kingdom of God expands. Sojourn missionaries are focused on proclaiming the gospel, developing disciples that multiply, and starting reproducing churches.

International cities
Because we are an urban church and our world is progressively urban, we feel called to send the majority of our people and teams to sizable urban centers and focus on reaching a diversity of people in neighborhoods that need greater gospel presence. 

Vision: Where We’re Going

Our vision is to send and support 6 Sojourn teams to multiply disciples and churches in 6 international cities by 2025. 

The vision includes sending mature Christians; helping them maintain team health; and partnering with them to see a viable, growing gospel presence within their target urban neighborhood. The locations, strategies, ministries philosophy between teams will all look different but each team will have the same target in mind - to make and multiply disciples, see a viable church presence with the city, all while maintaining a vibrant life with God and a healthy team dynamic. 

Current Engagement

Our current global work includes 5 church-based teams in Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and Central Asia. The majority of our time, energies, and missional effort go to sending and partnering with these church-based teams. These team are involved in church planting, business as transformation, evangelism, and national church empowerment

We also have numerous Sojourn Midtown Midtown families and singles serving in other places around the global including Japan, North Africa, Dominican Republic, France, and Germany. 

If you would like more information about how to finically support or pray for these church-based team or missionaries, please email

About Us

Sojourn Midtown is a part of the Sojourn family of churches. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world.

Email Us

Sojourn Midtown  1207 S Shelby St Louisville, KY 40203 · · 502 237 1122