The S2 House System


The Purpose of the Sojourn Students House System is to foster a greater sense of community and discipleship. The House System seeks to align with Sojourn Midtown’s mission to reach students with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world. The structure and events established by the House System offer students the opportunity to grow as Dream Disciples—resilient apprentices, sacrificial friends, courageous storytellers, and adventurous guides.

Though we cannot simply create character or virtue, we can encourage it by cultivating a culture that celebrates Christlikeness, unity, participation, and service to others. The intentional support and encouragement of that culture is intended to result in a close-knit, welcoming community of individuals who demonstrate Christlike love and service towards each other as well as towards the community that extends into the world.


The Sojourn Students community is divided into 3 Houses inspired by champions of the Christian faith. Each house is composed of House Advisors, Student Leaders, and House Members. More details are provided below. House Advisors and Student Leaders will occasionally report to the House Administration, which is composed of the Director of Students (Kevin Hippolyte), House Disciplinarian (Shawn Sizemore), and Competition Director (Bryce Hockema).

House Advisors

Each House has leading Advisors who provide guidance and encouragement to the Student Leaders of the House. Advisors function as sounding boards and mentors to the Student Leaders empowering them to direct their House with confidence, wisdom, and kindness.

Heads of House (Student Leadership)

The Heads of the House are the lead servants and captains of their House. The Heads of House consist of two high schoolers who help their houses organize yearly House events and encourage participation in their House. They work together to model Christian character, service, and help provide an environment that welcomes and encourages current and new students to the S2 community. The Heads of House work with their House Advisors to establish a vision for the year and execute a plan that will lead the House to character and competition victory.

House Events

Community is only forged when members spend time together. Houses are encouraged to schedule and organize events throughout the year to strengthen community and promote service to others. House Administration encourages Houses to do at least one community event and one service project in a given year.


An application for each activity must be submitted for acceptance at least two weeks in advance by the Heads of House to House Administration and must include:

  • Name, location, and contact information of the organization or event
  • List of S2 Students who plan to attend
  • List of chaperones who have agreed to participate and their contact information

Service Projects

  1. The goal of the Service Project is to foster a Christlike love for our neighbors by providing opportunities for students within the House to work together to serve their community. This goal is facilitated by the House partnering with an organization outside the school that is providing care and service to meet the needs of their community. Houses grow in service as they begin with service at home, progress to serve on a small scale in the community, and finally mature to provide well-implemented service on a larger scale in the community.

  2. A Service Project Request document must be completed and submitted to House Administration after the Heads of House meet with their Advisor to discuss the details of the plan and after they have contacted the partner organization to confirm potential dates, times, and responsibilities. After completion of each service event, the leadership team should meet together to debrief and reflect on the service to complete a Service Project Reflection and submit this to House Administration.

  3. Service Teams:

    • To facilitate optimal service with minimal burden on the host organization, service teams will be formed, allowing students and the House to grow and mature in its ability to serve throughout the year. At least one member of the Heads of House of the organizing House should belong to each Service Team. It may be appropriate for Service Teams to partner together for a large Project.

    • Participation by every member of the House should be encouraged throughout the year, however, Service Teams will be kept small to optimize service and minimize the burden on the host organization.

      • Extra points will be awarded based on participation from within the House and from opposing Houses who choose to attend.

    • Following the event, Heads of House will submit a listed summary of the project to House Administration containing the following information.

      • Date of event

      • Location/Organization

      • Contact Information from the Organization

      • List of attendees

      • Summary of tasks performed (3 sentences)

  4. Appropriate points will be awarded for Service Projects by House Administration based upon attendance, your summary statement, and overall reception by chaperones and students.

Community Events

The Houses are encouraged to schedule and organize Social Events that promote camaraderie and a sense of belonging within the House. A qualifying social event is any event that is organized by the House, approved by House Advisors and House Administration, and announced at S2. An informal get-together that is not intended for the whole House or not announced at S2 is not considered a qualifying event and is thus not subject to the requirements below and will not qualify for points. House Administration reserves the right to interfere with a social event that would have any negative repercussions on the culture of Sojourn Midtown or S2 Unity.

  1. All events and dates must be approved by Advisors with an application submitted by the Heads of House to House Administration at least two weeks in advance.
  2. Events should be announced two weeks before the event and only after approval by House Administration
  3. The amount of advanced planning and time required to prepare an event is proportional to its magnitude and the number of people involved.
  4. Scheduling of House Events should not conflict with pre-established S2 Events in the S2 Calendar
  5. The House should include at least two Advisors for the event to count for points.
  6. Events should be inclusive and not cater to a particular niche group within the House.
  7. Social Events should not exceed $15 in cost per person unless previously agreed upon by all members of the House.
  8. The Heads of House will submit a listed summary of the event after it has occurred to House Administration containing the following information:
    • Date of Event
    • Location of Event
    • List of Attendees (including chaperones)
    • Summary of Event (3 sentences)
  9. Appropriate points will be awarded for this event by House Administration based upon attendance, your summary statement, and overall reception by chaperones and students.

Categories for Points

Students are rewarded for their effort, conduct, and enthusiasm with House Points to encourage our Dream Disciple values and promote a sense of ownership. The House that accumulates the most points throughout the semester wins the yearly House Championship.

The points that can be awarded to students and their Houses are divided into five categories: Resilient Apprentice, Sacrificial Friend, Courageous Storyteller, Adventurous Guide, and Competition.

Resilient Apprentice

I am a lifelong follower of Jesus who walks with him in every season of life.

  • Verse Memorization
  • Bible In-Hand at Sunday Gathered
  • Weekly Sunday Gathered Stand Out
  • Resilient Apprentice Stand Out 

Sacrificial Friend

I show up for my people and I let my people show up for me both in celebration and hardship.

  • Attendance at Sunday Gathered
  • Attending S2 Community Event
  • Attending House Community Event
  • Sacrificial Friend Stand Out

Courageous Storyteller

I use my giftings, home, and vocation to tell a better story that what our culture has to offer.

  • Serve for a serving season in Connect, Sojourn Kids, or A/V
  • Participate in Midtown Service Project
  • Participate in a S2 or House Service Project or Event
  • Participating in a Sojourn or S2 Short-term Trip
  • Courageous Storyteller Stand Out

Adventurous Guide

I invite others to walk with me as I continue to journey towards Christlikeness

  • Bring a Friend to Sunday Gathered or S2 event
  • Complete Midweek @ Home with Family
  • Heads of House: One Accord
  • Adventurous Guide Stand Out


  • Games Points
  • House Spirit
  • S2 Retreat Points

About Us

Sojourn Midtown is a part of the Sojourn family of churches. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world.

Email Us

Sojourn Midtown  1207 S Shelby St Louisville, KY 40203 · · 502 237 1122